U.S. Presidential
Campaign Rhetoric 2008 (SEMTRACKS Project)
Political Body Language (NYU Green Dot Project)
Presidential Campaign Commercials, 1952-2008 (The Living Room Candidate)
Campaign Ads Archive (Political Communication Lab, Stanford)
Obama / McCain Quotes (Google In Quotes)
Obama / McCain’s Web Usage (TechPresident)
McCain/Palin Video Archive (YouTube)
Obama/Biden Video Archive (YouTube)
German History:
German History in Documents and Images (GHI Project)
Making the History of 1989 (GHI/NEH/George Mason Project)
Cold War:
Archival Resources, Diplomatic History
The Nuclear Crisis: Transatlanitc Peace Politics, Rearmament, and the Second World War
The Nuclear Vault, NSA Nuclear Documentation Project
Nuclear Holocausts: Atomic War in Fiction (Paul Brians)
Office of the Historian, U.S. Department of State
The Avalon Project (Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy)
Cold War Policies, 1945-1991 (Steven Schoenherr)
Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR)