Talks &
Invited Talks:
04/07/18: “Martin Luther King and Cold War Berlin,” Invited Lecture, History Department, Vassar College
01/18/18: “The Global Sixties,” Public Lecture, Studium Generale, University of Marburg
02/21/17:“Historicizing the 1980s: The Nuclear Crisis,” Colloquium, School of Foreign Service Qatar, Georgetown University
10/16/16:“The Global Network University: A View from New York University Abu Dhabi,” Organization of Islamic Area Studies, Waseda University, Tokyo
09/13/14: “Dr. Martin Luther King’s Visit to Berlin, 1964,” Keynote for the 50th Anniversary of King’s Visit to Berlin, Berlin Senate/Rotes Rathaus & St. Mary’s Church, Berlin
07/02/14: “Restaging the USA: Positionsbestimmungen von Kunst und Wissenschaft nach Abzug des US-Militärs aus Heidelberg,” Panel Discussion, Theater Heidelberg (Panelist)
05/01/2012: “The Nuclear Crisis: Cold War Cultures and the Politics of Peace and Security, 1975-1990,” Work in Progress Series, Arts & Humanities, New York University Abu Dhabi
03/20/2012: “The New Left in Europe,” Lecture, New York University
12/08/2011: “Transnational Diplomacy: Grassroots Challenges to U.S. Foreign Policy during the Cold War,” Department of International History, The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, Switzerland
12/06/2011: “The Other Alliance: Student Protest in West Germany & the United States in the Global Sixties,” Institute of International Studies, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
05/06/2011: “The Civil Rights Struggle, African American GIs, and Germany,” Vassar Sesquicentennial Meeting of the Presidents International Advisory Council, German Historical Institute, London (together with Maria Höhn)
03/08/2011: Book Talk and Panel Discussion, “Radical Liaisons and Race: Germany and the U.S. in the Global Sixties,” New School for Social Research, Parsons The New School for Design, New York, NY (with Maria Hoehn, Jeremy Varon, and Norbert Frei)
02/23/2011: “Transnational Alliances: The African American Freedom Struggle and Germany,” Global History Seminar, History Department, Northeastern University, Boston, MA
12/01/2010: “America in the World: A Cultural History of U.S. Foreign Relations,” Dokkyo University, Sōka, Saitama, Japan
11/15/2010: “Black Power in Germany and the U.S. in the 1960/70s,” Panel Discussion, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY
09/28/2010: “The Other Alliance: Student Protest in the United States and West Germany in the Global Sixties,” , Book Discussion, Series “Zeitgeschichte im Gespräch”, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Berlin (together with Ingrid Gilcher-Holtey and Gretchen Klotz-Dutschke)
09/10/2010: “An Ambivalent Partnership: Protest Movements and the Media during the Cold War,” Volda University College, Volda, Norway
05/04/2010: “1968 in International Perspective,” Panel Discussion, The Graduate Center, City University of New York
04/21/2010: “The Other Alliance: Student Protest in West Germany and the United Stated in the Global Sixties,” Book Launch, Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, DC
02/24/10: “Schwarze und Rote Panther: Die afroamerikanische Bürgerrechtsbewegung und Black Power in der Bundesrepublik der 1960/70er Jahre,“ America House, Munich
11/30/2009: “Bewegung und Establishment. Neue Konstellationen seit 1968?,” Institut für soziale Bewegungen, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
09/23/2009: “Yes, We Can! Political Rhetoric in the U.S. and German Elections,” Goethe-Institute, Washington, DC
02/04/2009: “”Modern Germany’s Engagement with the Holocaust,” School of Law, Washington and Lee University, Virginia
12/04/2008: “1968 and the Courts,” Roundtable, School of Law, Washington and Lee University, Virginia
11/25/2008: “Commemoration through Contestation: The Afterlives of ‘1968’ in Germany,” International Conference, “1968: From History to Memory,” History Department, University of Helsinki, Finland
11/25/2008: “1968 in Germany,” Goethe-Institute, Helsinki, Finland
10/17/2008: “‘The Struggle Continues’: The Sixties in Transnational Cultural Memory,” International Conference, “What Remains? 1968 in the European and American Imaginary,” Croft Institute for International Studies, Oxford, University of Mississippi
09/26/2008: “The Other Alliance: The European Sixties in Transatlantic History,” International Conference, “Intelectuales, movimientos radicales y revolucionarios en la América Contemporánea,” Universidad de Colima, Mexico
08/07/2008: “Speaking About History: Historical and Linguistic Dimensions of Oral History,” (Workshop with Joachim Scharloth) Historical Sociolinguistics Network (HISON), 2nd HiSoN Summer School “History and Language, Linguists and Historians,” School of Modern Languages, University of Bristol, UK
06/13/08: “1968 als transnationales Ereignis,” Lecture Series “‘1968’ als Ereignis und Symbol wissenschaftlicher und gesellschaftlicher Konfliktzonen,” Institute for Contemporary History, University of Vienna, Austria
05/27/08:”Eine andere Allianz: Die Protestbewegung in den USA und Europa Ende der 60er Jahre und Anfang der 70er Jahre,” Conference “Die 68er und ihre Generation in Europa und den USA,” Atlantische Akademie Rheinland-Pfalz, Kaiserslautern, Germany
05/23/08: “The Whole World is Watching: 1968 als transnationales Protest- und Medienereignis,” Symposium “Staatsmacht und Öffentlichkeit – Wie frei war das Fernsehen 1968?,” Deutsche Kinemathek Berlin und Institut national de l’audiovisuel (Ina), Paris
05/20/08: “1968 in the West,” Goethe-Institut Cracow, Poland
04/17/08: “Revisiting the Revolution: The Sixties in Transnational Cultural Memory,” International Conference “Memories of 1968: International Perspectives,” University of Leeds, UK
04/14/08: “Black and Red Panthers: International Black Power Solidarity in the 1960/70s,” Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY
03/14/08: “The New Left and the ‘Other Alliance’,” Investigative Workshop, “New Directions in Transatlantic History, Politics, Culture, and Society,” European Union Center for Excellence, University of Wisconsin, Madison
03/09/08: “Between Berkeley and Berlin, San Francisco and Frankfurt: The Transatlantic Protest Networks of ‘1968’ and Their Historical Legacy,” 16th Annual Interdisciplinary German Studies Conference “Rebellion and Revolution – Defiance in German Language, History and Art,” University of California, Berkeley
11/13/2007: “Black Panther and the Red Army Faction (RAF)”, Panel Discussion with Jutta Ditfurth, Kino im Theater “30 Jahre Deutscher Herbst,” Naxoshalle, Frankfurt, Germany
07/03/07: “Vom Vorbild zum Feindbild? – Die Rolle der USA in den transnationalen Protestkulturen der 1960/70er Jahre”, Research Colloquium “Cultural Transfer – Cultural Conflict”, History Department, University of Muenster, Germany
05/08/07 “1968 and the Western World”, Internal Workshop, Bundeszentrale fuer Politische Bildung, Bonn, Germany
09/28/05: “’The times they are a-changin’: Die Protestbewegungen der 1960/70er Jahre zwischen Geschichtspolitik und Erinnerungskultur,” Internationales Symposium: “1968: Musik und gesellschaftlicher Protest”, Katholische Akademie Schwerte, Germany
06/16/05: “Schwarze und Rote Panther: Die afro-amerikanischen Protestbewegungen der 1960/70er Jahre und die deutsche Studentenbewegung,” Contemporary History Workshop, Prof. Dr. Gilcher-Holtey, Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaft, Philosophie und Theologie, University of Bielefeld, Germany
11/22/04: “Oral History – Epistemologische Grundlagen und Heuristisches Potential,” Deutsches Seminar, University of Zurich, Switzerland
09/25/04: “Der Zeitzeuge als Feind des Historikers? Chancen und Risiken von Oral History in zeitgeschichtlicher Forschung,” Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Oral History Workshop, Promotionskolleg “Die Beziehungen zwischen den beiden deutschen Staaten und Gesellschaften in der Zeit ihrer Teilung (1949-1990),” Leipzig, Germany
04/24/03: “Another Global Superpower? – The 1960s and the history of today’s transnational protest movements,” Culture Jam, Rutgers University, New Jersey
11/30-12/01/18: “The Globalization of the Sixties,” International Conference, “Global Sixties: Transnational Connectivity and Global Consciousness,” Institute of Global Studies, Shanghai University
10/09/18: Panel Discussion, “A World Transformed? Reassessing 1968 and the Global Sixties,” NYU Abu Dhabi Institute, NYU New York
10/5-6/18: “The Globalization of the Sixties,” International Conference, “The Legacy of 1968,” Harvard Center for European Studies, Harvard University
04/03/18:“The Global Sixties,” Panel Discussion and Book Launch, New York University Shanghai
12/04/16: “The Global Sixties and the Middle East,” International Conference at Waseda University, Tokyo, “Islam and Multiculturalism: History, Challenges and Prospects,” co-convened by Keiko Sakurai, Sadashi Fukuda, Takayuki Yoshimura (Waseda University), Nasrudin Bin Md Akhir, Siti Rohaini Binti Kassim (University of Malaya), Martin Klimke, Justin Stearns (NYUAD)
01/07/2012: “Heroes of the Other America: East German Solidarity with the Black Freedom Struggle,” Panel “Global Connections among Struggles for Racial Justice: Britain, Germany, South Africa, and the United States,” Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, Chicago
11/28/2011: “From Environmental Movement to ‘Anti-Parties Party’: The Rise of the West German Greens in 1980s Cold War Culture,” International Workshop, “Dopo il Sessantotto. Movimenti di protesta in Italia e in Europa negli ultimi decenni della Guerra Fredda” [After ’68. Protests movement in Italy and Europe in the last decades of the Cold War], Senate Library, Rome (convened together with Valentine Lomellini and Valerio Augusto Strinati)
10/20-23/2011: “’Angelamania’: Angela Davis Solidarity Campaigns in Divided Germany,” Panel “’Our Growing Community of Struggle’: Angela Davis, the Cold War, and Transnational Historical Memory,” Annual Meeting of the American Studies Association, Baltimore, Maryland
10/01/2011: “Petra Kelly and the Nuclear Crisis of the 1980s,” Research Seminar, German Historical Institute, Washington, DC
09/22-25/2011: “Pop for Peace? Nuclear and Environmental Discourse in 1980s Popular Music,” Panel “Cultural Approaches to West and East German Peace Activism in the 1970s and 1980s,” Annual Conference of the German Studies Association, Louisville, Kentucky (paper)
07/01/2011: “History as Politics: The Contrasting Political Uses of American History on Either Side of the Atlantic,” (with Tibor Frank and Stephen Tuck), International Network Conference, “You, the People: National Location and the Writing of American History – The Example of Europe,” Rothermere American Institute, Oxford University, UK
04/14/2011: “The African American Freedom Struggle and Germany,” International Conference, “Theoretical, Conceptual and Methodological Challenges in Studying Transnational Struggles for Recognition,” Social Science Research Center (WZB), Berlin
03/18-19/2011: “Sonne statt Reagan: Die Wahlkampfstrategie der Gruenen bei der Bundestagswahl 1983,” Konferenz, “Der NATO-Doppelbeschluss und die Friedensbewegung der 1980er Jahre,” Heinrich-Boell Foundation/Archive Green Memory, Berlin
01/08/2011: “Revolutionary Alliances: The African American Civil Rights Struggle in Divided Germany,” Panel “Imagining Black Power in the Global Sixties from Berlin to Beijing,” Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, Boston
11/04-06/2010: “Between 99 Red Balloonsand a Green Caterpillar: Nuclear and Environmental Discourse in 1980s Popular Music and Electoral Politics,” International Conference, “Accidental Armageddons: The Nuclear Crisis and the Culture of the Second Cold War, 1975-1989” (convened together with Eckart Conze and Jeremy Varon)
10/09/09: “Countering The Other Alliance: Transatlantic Student Protest and the U.S. Department of State in 1960/70s,” German Studies Association Annual Conference, Washington, DC / Society for the History of American Foreign Relations, Annual Conference, Falls Church, Virginia
06/28/09: “Countering The Other Alliance: Transatlantic Student Protest and the U.S. Department of State in 1960/70s,” German Studies Association Annual Conference, Washington, DC / Society for the History of American Foreign Relations, Annual Conference, Falls Church, Virginia
03/05/2009: From June 2 to Kent State: Transnational Symbols and Collective Identities,” International Conference “1968 in Japan, Germany and the United States: Political Protest and Cultural Change,” Japanese-German Center, Berlin
03/27/2009: “Von den USA nach Westeuropa: Friedensbewegung als ‘transnationales’ Phänomen der westlichen Welt,” International Conference “Zweiter Kalter Krieg und Friedensbewegung: “Der NATO-Doppelbeschluss in deutsch-deutscher und internationaler Perspektive,” Institut fuer Zeitgeschichte, Berlin, Germany
06/06/08: “Utopia in Practice: The Discovery of Performativity in Sixties’ Protest, Arts and Sciences,” (with Joachim Scharloth) International Conference “The Utopian Years: 1968 and Beyond. Movement Dynamics and Theoretical Implications 40 Years Later”, Athens, Greece
05/29/08: “’The Whole World is Watching’: Recontextualization of Global Protest Cultures in the Alternative Media of the 1960s/70s,” Panel on “1968 and the Media – Transnational Relations and Local Struggles” at the Zeitgeschichtetag 2008 in Innsbruck, Austria
04/12/08: “The ‘Other’ Alliance: Transnational Protest and Activist Networks during the 1960s,” Workshop, “1968 – 40 Years Later,” Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY
09/27/07: “The American Civil Rights Struggle and Germany after 1945”, Internal Workshop, German Historical Institute, Washington, DC
06/14/07: “Countering Global Dissent: The U.S. Department of State and the Challenge of the Global 1960s Student Movements,” Interdisciplinary Conference “New World Coming: The Sixties and the Shaping of Global Consciousness”, Queen’s Univeristy, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
03/09/07 “Recontextualization of Symbolic Forms of Protest”, Workshop at “Designing a New Life: Aesthetics and Lifestyles of Political and Social Protest,” 2nd Workshop of the Marie Curie Conference and Training Series, German Department, University of Zurich, Switzerland, March 7-10, 2007
01/04-07/07: “Black Power in Europe,” AHA Research Cluster, “The Campus and the Street: Social Movements, Nationalism, and Youth Culture in Africa and the Diaspora (1945-Present)”, Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association (AHA), Atlanta (read)
09/28- “From Black to Red Panthers: Black Power Solidarity Networks and Liberation Discourses in 1960/70s West German Protest Movements,” Thirtieth Annual Meeting of the German Studies Association, Pittsburgh (read)
03/22-26/06: “Black and Red Panthers: West German Student Alliances with African-American Protest,” Panel: “Afros, Blues and Panthers: African-American Protest Identities in 60/70s West Germany,” International Conference “Crossovers: African Americans and Germany,” University of Muenster, Germany
01/5-8/06: “Confronting Global Protest: The U.S. Government’s Response to Worldwide Student Unrest in the 1960/70s – The Case of West Germany,” Panel “Imaginary Worlds: (Trans)National Identities in Germany in and after 1968” at the Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association (AHA), Philadelphia
05/21/05: “‘A Serious Concern of U.S. Foreign Policy’: The West German Student Movement and the Western Alliance,” International Symposium “The ‘Other’ Alliance: Political Protest, Intercultural Relations and Collective Identities in West Germany and the United States, 1958-77,” Internationales Wissenschaftsforum Heidelberg, Germany
02/05/05: “Sit-in, teach-in, go-in: Die transnationale Zirkulation kultureller Praktiken,” 2nd IFK-Conference: “Maos Rote Garden? – 1968 zwischen kulturrevolutionärem Anspruch und subversiver Praxis: Kultur- und mediengeschichtliche Aspekte der Studentenbewegung,” Deutsches Seminar, University of Zurich, Switzerland
06/25/04: “Remembering Global Protest: The Sixties in the U.S. and West Germany,” (with Belinda Davis), XIIIth International Oral History Conference, “Memory and Globalization,” Rome, Italy
10/18/03: “’SDS meets SDS’: The Transatlantic Dimension of Global Student Protest During the 1960s,” German Historical Institute, Workshop “Atlantic Crossings: Transcultural Relations and Political Protest in Germany and the United States, 1958-1977,” Washington, D.C.
10/13/03: “’Between Marx and Coca-Cola’: Transcultural Currents and Student Protest in West Germany and the U.S. During the 1960s,” Rutgers University, “Protest 1960-1980s: Trans- and Intercultural Perspectives,” New Brunswick, New Jersey
09/20/03: “New Left Alliances: German-American Networks in the Student Movements of the Early 1960s,” XXVIIth Annual Meeting of the German Studies Association, New Orleans
03/08/03: “’The Other Alliance’: Transatlantic Relations of the German Student Movement of the 1960s,” Presentation at the 3rd Annual Harvard Graduate Conference on International History (ConIH), “The United States from the Outside In, 1776-2000”, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Feb/April 02: “Between Berkeley and Berlin, San Francisco and Frankfurt: The Student Movements of the 1960s in Transatlantic Perspective,” Annual Conference of the Historians of the German Association for American Studies, Tutzing, Germany, February 2002 / Graduate Student Conference, Columbia University, New York City, April 2002
Moderator &
06/14-15/18: “‘Power and Mission’ – American Foreign Policy,” International Conference,“Transatlantic Crossings: A Symposium in Honor of Detlef Junker,” Heidelberg Center for American Studies, Heidelberg University (Chair)
05/12/2015: “Meet The Author: Eugen Ruge,” Panel Discussion, Abu Dhabi International Book Fair 2015 (Moderator)
05/11/2015: “The Berlin Wall: 25 Years After the Fall,” Panel Discussion with Eugen Ruge and Gabriele Landwehr, organized by the Goethe Institut, Abu Dhabi International Book Fair 2015 (Moderator)
11/20/2014: “Television,” Conference, “Media and the Cold War, 1975-1991,” Panel, Volda University College, Norway (Chair)
11/21/2014: William Knoblauch, “Selling ‘Star Wars’ in the American Mass Media,” Panel, “Construction of Bloc Narratives,” Conference, “Media and the Cold War, 1975-1991,” Volda University College, Norway (Commentator)
11/21/2014: “Media Dissent & Dissent in the Media,” Panel, Conference, “Media and the Cold War, 1975-1991,” Volda University College, Norway (Chair)
11/21/2014: “Meet the Press,” Panel Discussion with Kari-Grete Alstad, Kjell Dragnes, and Hans Wilhelm Steinfeld, Conference, “Media and the Cold War, 1975-1991,” Volda University College, Norway (Co-Moderator)
12/13/2014: “State Formation and Multiculturalism,” Panel, Conference, “Exploring Islamic Studies within a Symbiotic Framework,” Asia-Europe Center, University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur (Chair)
06/19-21/14: “The Transatlantic Community and the Globalization of Terror,” Panel at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR), Lexington, Kentucky (Chair/Commentator)
06/19-21/14: “International Communications and Foreign Relations, from the 1940s to the 1960s,” Panel at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR), Lexington, Kentucky (Chair)
09/27/2012: John A. Gronbeck-Tedesco, “Competing Cold War Exceptionalisms: Cuba, the United States, and Revolutionary Culture,” Commentator, Fall 2012 Seminar, Tamiment Library and the Center for the United States and the Cold War, New York University
06/28-30/2012: “The American Left and Global Revolution Since the 1960s,” Panel at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR), Hartford, Connecticut (Chair/Commentator)
01/07/2012: “Fighting for Equality: Children’s and Teenagers’ Activism during the Black Freedom Struggle,” Panel at the Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, Chicago (Chair/Commentator)
06/23-25/2011: “Expect the Unexpected: Americans in Germany during the Cold War,” Panel at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations, Alexandria, Virginia (Commentator)
10/10/2010: “Mixed Feelings: Fear and Faith in the ‘Age of Extremes’,” Panel at the German Studies Association, Annual Conference, Oakland (Chair)
03/26/2010: “Protest im zeitlichen Kontext der 1980er Jahre,” Panel at the Workshop “Friedensbewegung und Zweiter Kalter: Europäische und transatlantische Perspektiven, Heinrich Böll-Stiiftung, Berlin (Chair)
09/26/2009: “External Factors,” Panel at the Conference “Falling Behind or Catching Up? The East German Economy in the Twentieth Century,” German Historical Institute, Washington, DC (Chair)
08/26/2009: “Challenging the East-West Border,” Panel at the Conference “‘The Personal is Political’: The Interfaces between Politics and Culture across Europe in the 1970s,” Lucy Cavendish College, University of Cambridge (Chair)
03/04/2009: Panel Discussion with Toshiko Himeoka, Ekkehart Krippendorff, Rainer Langhans on “1968 in Japan, Germany, and the United States,” Japanese-German Center, Berlin (Moderator)
05/14/2010: Panel Discussion with Norman Birnbaum, Tom Hayden, and Patty Lee Parmalee on “One, Two, Three, May 1968s – Lessons and Legacies of the 1960s,” German Historical Institute, Washington, DC (Moderator)
11/26/2008: “Media Strategies and Television Representations of Protest,” Panel at the Conference “‘The Revolution will not be televised? – Media and Protest Movements Since 1945,” Volda University College, Volda, Norway (Chair)
09/17/2007: “The Italian ’68: A Site of Memory, a Site of Oblivion,” Paper by Luisa Passerini given at Nathan and Jeanette Miller Center for Historical Studies, Department of History, University of Maryland, College Park (Commentator)
08/26/2006: “Recontextualization of Protest Cultures,” Panel at the Conference “Between the ‘Prague Spring’ and the ‘French May’: Transnational Exchange and National Recontextualization of Protest Cultures in 1960/70s Europe,” Heidelberg Center for American Studies, University of Heidelberg (Chair)
05/20/2005: Panel Discussion with Helen Garvey and Robert Pardun on “Rebels with a Cause,” Conference “The ‘Other’ Alliance: Political Protest, Intercultural Relations and Collective Identities in West Germany and the United States, 1958-77”, German-American Institute, Heidelberg (Moderator)
Exhibition Openings:
An American in Deutschland: Photographs by Leonard Freed
09/15/2011: German Historical Institute, Washington, DC
The Civil Rights Struggle, African American GIs, and Germany
05/06/2011: German Historical Institute, London, UK
03/23/2011: University of Georgia, Athens, GA
01/13/2011: African American Arts & Culture Complex, San Francisco
10/07/2010: University of California, Berkeley
11/26/2009: Landesvertretung Rheinland-Pfalz, Berlin
10/01/2009: Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY
11/19/2008: German Historical Institute, Washington, DC