Publication Series
Protest, Culture & Society (2008-)
Edited by Kathrin Fahlenbrach, Martin Klimke, and Joachim Scharloth
Berghahn Book, New York/Oxford
Protest movements have been recognized as significant contributors to processes of political participation and transformations of culture and value systems, as well as to the development of both a national and transnational civil society.
This series brings together the various innovative approaches to phenomena of social change, protest and dissent which have emerged in recent years from an interdisciplinary perspective. It contextualizes social protest and cultures of dissent in larger political processes and socio-cultural transformations by examining the influence of historical trajectories and the response of various segments of society, political and legal institutions on a national and international level.
In doing so, the series offers a more comprehensive and multi-dimensional view of historical and cultural change in the 20th and 21st century.
For more, please see the publisher’s website.
Vol. 1: Donatella Della Porta & Gianni Piazza, Voices of the Valley, Voices of the Straits: How Protest Creates Communities (2008)
Vol. 2: Thomas Ekman Jørgensen, Transformation of a Crisis. The Left and the Nation in Denmark and Sweden, 1956-1980 (October 2008)
Vol. 3: Belinda Davis, Wilfried Mausbach, Martin Klimke, and Carla MacDougall, eds., Changing the World, Changing Oneself: Political Protest and Collective Identities in West Germany and the U.S. in the 1960s and 1970s (2010)
Vol. 4: Simon Teune, ed., The Transnational Condition: Protest Dynamics in an Entangled Europe (2010)
Vol. 5: Hara Kouki and Eduardo Romanos, eds., Protest beyond Borders: Contentious Politics in Europe since 1945 (2011)
Vol. 6: Timothy Brown and Lorena Anton, eds., Between the Avant-Garde and the Everyday: Subversive Politics in Europe, 1958-2008 (2011)
Vol. 7: Martin Klimke, Jacco Pekelder, and Joachim Scharloth, eds., Between Prague Spring and French May: Opposition and Revolt in Europe, 1960-1980 (2011)
Vol. 8: Samantha Christiansen and Zachary Scarlett, eds., The Third World in the Global Sixties (2012)
Vol. 9: Susanne Rinner, The German Student Movement and the Literary Imagination: Transnational Memories of Protest and Dissent (2013)
Vol. 10: Kostis Kornetis, Children of the Dictatorship: Student Resistance, Cultural Politics and the “Long 1960s” in Greece (2013)
Vol. 11: Kathrin Fahlenbrach, Erling Sivertsen, and Rolf Werenskjold, eds., Media and Revolt: Strategies and Performances from the 1960s to the Present (2014)
Vol. 12: Pierre Montforte, Europeanizing Contention. The Protest Against ‘Fortress Europe’ in France and Germany (2014)
Vol. 13: Nikolaos Papadogiannis, Militant Around the Clock? Left-Wing Youth Politics, Leisure, and Sexuality in Post-Dictatorship Greece, 1974-1981 (2015)
Vol. 14: Nathan Stoltzfus and Birgit Maier-Katkin, eds., Protest in Hitler’s “National Community”: Popular Unrest and Nazi Response (2015)
Vol. 15: Quinn Slobodian, ed., Comrades of Color: East Germany in the Cold War World (2015)
Vol. 16: Guya Accornero and Olivier Fillieule, eds., Social Movement Studies in Europe: The State of the Art (2016)
Vol. 17: Kathrin Fahlenbrach, Martin Klimke, and Joachim Scharloth, eds., Protest Cultures: A Companion (2016)
Vol. 18: Guya Accornero, The Revolution before the Revolution: Late Authoritarianism and Student Protest in Portugal (2016)
Vol. 19: Christoph Becker-Schaum, Philipp Gassert, Wilfried Mausbach, Martin Klimke, and Marianne Zepp, eds., The Nuclear Crisis: The Arms Race, Cold War Anxiety, and the German Peace Movement of the 1980s (2016)
Vol. 20: Silvia De Zordo, Joanna Mishtal, and Lorena Anton, eds., A Fragmented Landscape: Abortion Governance and Protest Logics in Europe (2016)
Vol. 21: Juliane Riese, Hairy Hippies and Bloody Butchers: The Greenpeace Anti-Whaling Campaign in Norway (2017)
Vol. 22: Kristina Schulz, ed., The Women’s Liberation Movement. Impacts and Outcomes (2017)
Vol. 23: Catherine Riley, The Virago Story: Assessing the Impact of a Feminist Publishing Phenomenon (2018)
Vol. 24: Dolores L. Augustine, Taking on Technocracy: Nuclear Power in Germany, 1945 to the Present (2018)
Vol. 25: Joachim Häberlen, Mark Keck-Szajbel, and Kate Mahoney, eds., The Politics of Authenticity: Countercultures and Radical Movements across the Iron Curtain, 1968-1989 (October 2018)
Vol. 26: Daniela Piccio, Party Responses to Social Movements: Challenges and Opportunities (February 2019)
Vol. 27: Renato Miguel Carmo and José Alberto Vasconcelos Simões, eds., Protest, Youth, and Precariousness. The Unfinished Fight against Austerity in Portugal (2020)
Vol. 28: Ricardo Campos, Andrea Pavoni, and Yiannis Zaimakis, eds. Political Graffiti in Critical Times. The Aesthetics of Street Politics (2021)
Vol. 29: Lisa Bogerts, The Aesthetics of Rule and Resistance: Analyzing Political Street Art in Latin America (March 2022)
Vol. 30: Terri Gordon-Zolov and Eric Zolov, The Walls of Santiago: Social Revolution and Political Aesthetics in Contemporary Chile (April 2022)
Vol. 31: Belinda Davis, Friederike Brühöfener, and Stephen Milder, eds., Rethinking Social Movements After '68: Selves and Solidarities in West Germany and Beyond (July 2022)
Vol. 32: Kacper Szulecki, Janusz Waluszko, and Tomasz Borewicz, The Chernobyl Effect: Antinuclear Protests and the Molding of Polish Democracy, 1986–1990 (September 2022)
Transatlantische Historische Studien (2009-2011)
Edited by Hartmut Berghoff, Martin Klimke, Anke Ortlepp, and Corinna Unger
Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart
Transatlantische Historische Studien is a German-language series that deals with transatlantic history in its various facets. Published in collaboration with Franz Steiner Verlag.
Vol. 39: Anke Ortlepp and Christoph Ribbat, eds., Mit den Dingen leben: Zur Geschichte der Alltagsgegenstände (2010)
Vol. 40: Daniel T. Rodgers, Atlantiküberqerungen: Sozialpolitik im Zeitalter des Progressivismus, 1870-1940 (2010)
Vol. 41: Victoria de Grazia, Das unwiderstehliche Empire: Amerikas Siegeszug im Europa des 20. Jahrhunderts (2010)
Vol. 42: Maria Alexopoulou, Ethnic Foreign Policy und Identitätsbildung: Die Griechisch-Amerikaner (1964–1978) (2010)
Vol. 43: Christopher Neumaier, Dieselautos in Deutschland und den USA: Zum Verhältnis von Technologie, Konsum und Politik, 1945-2005 (2010)
Vol. 44: Reinhild Kreis, Orte für Amerika: Deutsch-Amerikanische Institute und Amerikahäuser seit den 1960er Jahren (2012)